Expose usage metrics via API
Alluvial Finance
Ability to query current usage (per node or global) would be great to build custom monitoring with internal tools (in addition to "Resources usage notification" or "Cap billing").
For instance, having the same endpoint than https://console.chainstack.com/api/core/v1/usage/series/ but in api.chainstack.com
Peter Marirosans
Our team would also greatly appreciate this - is it planned work?
Looking through the docs I couldn't see any existing ways to get this data programmatically, or other usage monitoring options like "configure a webhook to hit when you reach 90% of your plan's monthly request quota".
Eugene Aseev
Merged in a post:
Total Requests Made
We need a "free" API call to view total requests made in a billing period. How quickly the fees can add up if not continually monitored is a pretty big negative here. Most API's offer a method to view your requests made or remaining. This way when creating a script or a dApp we, as developers can avoid going over our plans.