Cap for requests
Razvan Rotaru
We need an option where we can state how many max requests are allowed per day. When making automated scripts, they might have bugs which repeat the same request indefinitely, consuming the subscription limit and going over that limit. Other rpc node providers have this feature and I think it's essential to have.
Eugene Aseev
Related feedback:
"We'd very much prefer to have per-keys quota enforcement. This gives us an ability to segment our budget across different apps in different envs, without risks of going over budget or being blocked due to 100% of consumption of pre-paid amount."
100% I spent hours yesterday reading over the docs for a method to do this. I use multiple API providers and each of them have a relatively straight forward method to get either, requests made or requests left in a billing period. With that info it's easy to avoid a huge unexpected bill. I submitted a ticket for such a feature and was sent here for "Feature Requests" - I submitted:
Please hit with a vote as it's very similar to what we have here
Wallet Chat
Agreed 100%, we need this as well! I can't come back to a mistake or brute force to have a $2k charge sitting on my account